ales brce

The Bifolks
British Mind,
Redneck Heart

Art direction ✓

The sun of Louisiana and the scent of the English countryside. The heat of the fire and the intense color of lager. Here comes the sound of The Bifolks, a duo playing both british pop and american folk songs, mixing them with large doses of hilarity. For their concert at Lee Roy’s pub in Trieste (Italy) I pictured these two souls of the band with a similar ‘retro-scientific’ iconography, portraying a ‘british mind’ and a ‘redneck heart’ cohabiting on a poster flooded with tiny graphic ornaments. A swiss-like designed affichée to promote a concert for 5.00 pm tea drinking cowboys.


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Creative direction → Aleš Brce
Art direction → Aleš Brce
Graphic design → Aleš Brce
Year → 2010
