ales brce

Trust No One

Music ✓

CD sleeve layout for Trust No One (a melody-core/soft-punk band) self titled EP. The disign strongly plays with the band’s name, showing both on the front and on the retro of the printed cardboard a sweet little girl’s illustration (inspired by Dolly Dingle paper dolls). She smiles tenderly on the cover, holding a teddy bear. On the back she holds a gun, hiding it. A game of perspective and also a subtle message of warning (connected to the band’s name): ‘You Better Trust No One!’ A sharpened design for a biting musical matter.


ales brce
ales brceales brce ales brce ales brce ales brce

Creative direction → Aleš Brce
Art direction → Aleš Brce
Graphic design → Aleš Brce
Illustrations → Aleš Brce
Year → 2010
