ales brce

Sophia Loren Ipsun

Experimantal ✓

After a day spent watching a film marathon which an italian TV channel has transmitted in occasion of the eightieth birthday of movie star Sophia Loren I decided to make my own homage to the actress.
Especially during the watching of the frenetic movie ‘A Countess from Hong Kong’ ― where the sweet Sophia acts ranting ― my thought flew to the filler text commonly used to demonstrate the elements of a visual presentation in graphic design: the ‘Lorem Ipsum’. Immediately, mispronouncing the actress name, cames out the word-joke ‘Sophia Loren Ipsun’. So: I thought it appropriate to associate this placeholder text ― which allow viewers to focus on graphic aspects such as font or typography in detriment of meaningful content ― to her beauty and sensuality. Aestethics are always important for me, contents not evermore. That movie was sticky but she was amazing. Perfect, just like a Lorem Ipsum text edited well and placed with elegance on a layout.
The result of this strange afternoon’s thoughts is this poster. My gift to you, Sophia. Happy birthday!


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Creative direction → Aleš Brce
Art direction → Aleš Brce
Graphic design → Aleš Brce
Year → 2014

